Non-tenure Assistant Professor, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan
2023 — Present
Working on LiteBIRD, a proposed satellite for CMB observations
Hi I am Gabriele Coppi ,
an experimental astrophysicist with a focus on designing and testing new instrumentation for cosmological experiments.
When I am not working, I am probably running or drinking craft beers while building LEGO.
COMSOL MultiPhysics
Autodesk Fusion 360
Adobe Lightroom
Building LEGO
Working on LiteBIRD, a proposed satellite for CMB observations
Working on PROTOCALC, a prototype for a new calibrator for cosmological experiment with a particular focus on CMB experiments.
Worked on the readout system for the COSMO project
Worked on the first tests and integration of the Large Aperture Receiver for the Simons Observatory. Member of the team deployed twice in Antarctica for integration and launching of the BLAST-TNG experiment, working on the cryostat, power system and in-flight mapmaker
Worked on the design and testing of Sorption Coolers for multiple CMB experiments such as Simons Array and LSPE/SWIPE. Worked on the design, in particular on the transient thermal simulation, of the Large Aperture Receiver for the Simons Observatory
Worked on the the design of the focal planes for the SWIPE instrument on the LSPE balloon.